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Wind page # |
Wind |
Writer: Ursula Nafula
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Illustration: Marion Drew
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© African Storybook Initiative, 2015
Wind page # |
The wind roars. |
It roars past our home. |
Wind page # |
The wind is powerful. |
It tears my kite from my hand. |
Wind page # |
I run after my kite. |
The wind blows me away from the kite! |
Wind page # |
The wind becomes a tornado. |
It carries my kite higher and higher. |
Wind page # |
The tornado swallows me up! |
I see nothing, I touch nothing. |
Wind page # |
Where is my kite now? |
Perhaps it is caught in a tree. |
Wind page # |
Perhaps my kite is still flying in the sky. |
Wind page # |
The wind finally dies down. |
I am still spinning. |
Wind page # |
When I stop spinning I look around. |
Where did the wind go? |
Wind page # |
I cannot see my kite anywhere. |
I cannot hear the wind anymore. |
Wind page # |
Perhaps tomorrow I will find my kite. |
Wind page # |
Now, I must go home, before the wind starts to roar again. |
Wind page # |
Writer: Ursula Nafula.
Illustration: Marion Drew.
Adapted By: Ursula Nafula.
Language: English.
© African Storybook Initiative, 2015.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
(CC-BY 4.0) Version 4.0 International Licence
Disclaimer: You are free to download, copy, translate
or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you