TestHost Firmware with I2C Bus Support -------------------------------------- Refs: http://wiki.villagetelco.org/I2C_Bus_for_MP02 1. Install the TestHost firmware on a MP02 / MS14 device. It will appear on IP address 2. Install the standard SECN firmware (eg SECN-4 GA01.2) on an MP02-Basic or MPO2-FXS device as the DUT. By default it will appear on the usual SECN IP address of 3. Install the DUT Patch on on the MP02 DUT device using the SECN Firmware Upgrade screen. 4. The two devices should mesh together. Make sure there are no other devices running on the same default mesh / channel (Ch1). 5. Connect the TestHost device to an upstream network via an Ethernet cable to its WAN port. 6. Connect your PC to the TestHost LAN port and log in to the command line with "ssh root@" There is no password required. 7. Test that you can ping the DUT from the TestHost command line. 8. To perform a demo test run, use the command: # testhost.sh 5 This will run the test every minute on the DUT for a duration of 5 minutes and output the test log. You can also view the test log on a browser at the URL: A sample test output is shown below. Note that the test log is stored in RAM on the TestHost device and so will be lost on power cycle. The four individual tests that are run are as follows: - Temperature, as measured with a DS3231 I2C module fitted to the TestHost device - Signal strength received on the TestHost from the DUT - A ping test on the DUT to - The CPU load on the DUT. 9. You can run the test on the TestHost device itself by specifying the Localhost IP address as follows: # testhost.sh 5 10. To (optionally) measure temperature, connect a DS3231 module to the required I2C signal lines on the the 'Router' connector on the MS14 board as follows: - Gnd Pin 4 - Vcc 3.3V Pin 1 - SDA GPIO19 Pin 6 - SCL GPIO21 Pin 8