MP SECN firmware image version tracking ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN2-pre3-rv294.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN2-pre3-rv294.lzma Test version of the MP SECN-1 firmware with Terry Gillett's Patch-287-02c.tar.gz integrated. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN2-pre4-rv294.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN2-pre4-rv294.lzma Test version of the MP SECN-1 firmware with Terry Gillett's Patch-287-02d.tar.gz integrated. Additionally, the packages for uhttpd are in /etc for easy installation. After installing all three, run: /etc/init.d/uhttpd enable /etc/init.d/uhttpd start ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN2-pre5-rv294.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN2-pre5-rv294.lzma Test version of the MP SECN-1 firmware with Terry Gillett's Patch-287-02e.tar.gz integrated. Additionally, the uhttpd packages are now pre-installed. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre5-rv294.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre5-rv294.lzma Test version of the MP SECN-1_1 firmware based on the SECN2-pre5 firmare above along with Terry Gillett's MP-Patch-pre5-01.tar.gz integrated. Additionally, I have reverted the BSSID back to 01:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE in config/wireless. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre5-ssl-rv294.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre5-ssl-rv294.lzma Updated version of the MP SECN-1_1-pre5 firmware above but with OpenSSL enabled for uhttpd. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre6-rv294.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre6-rv294.lzma This version of firmware was carefully rebuilt paying particular attention to ensure that uhttpd/uhttpd-mod-tls was linked to libopenssl. To test the secure uhttpd feature, install Elektra's build of the px5g package after flashing. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre7-rv295.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre7-rv295.lzma openwrt-atheros-combined-SECN1_1-pre7-rv295.img This version of firmware is based on Elektra's rv295 and is a first step toward finishing up outstanding issues needing resolution prior to the SECN1.1 release. As such, it has the following fixes/additions to the SECN1_1-pre6 version above: Based on rv295 Includes px5g package Includes openssl-sftp-server Uses BSSID of 02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE Uses mesh ssid of "vt-mesh" Uses AP ssid of "VT-SECN-AP" Includes init.d/setdate and rc.d/S15setdate script to set default system date/time to Jan 1 2012 00:00:00 Updates /etc/config/uhttpd with SSL certificate config Updates /etc/banner ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre8-rv295.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre8-rv295.lzma openwrt-atheros-combined-SECN1_1-pre8-rv295.img This version adds back in the missing uhttpd, uhttpd-mod-lua, and uhttpd-mod-tls packages. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre9-rv295.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre9-rv295.lzma openwrt-atheros-combined-SECN1_1-pre9-rv295.img This version knocks off the remaining items on the MP SECN1.1 punch list. Fixes/changes are from Terry's pre8 Patch02. To wit: Addition of web security controls on the SECN webui Fix for reboot page Change S98set_hostname to S50set_hostname to ensure host name is set prior to uhttpd start We have at least one remaining issue which is that the overall combined image size is too large now so sysupgrade fails. This version must be flashed using potato-flash. Next version will have a few non-essential packages removed to bring the overall combined image size down below 4MB. ============= openwrt-atheros-root-SECN1_1-pre10-rv295.squashfs openwrt-atheros-vmlinux-SECN1_1-pre10-rv295.lzma openwrt-atheros-combined-SECN1_1-pre10-rv295.img This version reduces the combined .img size to 3.9MB such that it is again possible to flash using sysupgrade. To reduce the image size the following changes were made: LUCI completely removed libjson removed Unused asterisk sound files removed Fixed: Entry for was changed to "noload" in asterisk's module.conf to prevent high CPU utilization by asterisk.